
The script install_fftw.cmake is meant to be invoked on the command line using cmake -P. This script builds and installs both the double- and single-precision versions of FFTW onto your system.

Command-line usage

cmake -P install_fftw.cmake [-D SOURCE_DIR=<fftw_source>]|[-D CACHE_DIR=<cache_dir>] [-D QUIET=ON|OFF]

Input variables:

  • SOURCE_DIR: Can be set to the path of a copy of the FFTW source tree. If not defined, FFTW sources will be downloaded.

  • CACHE_DIR: Directory to use to cache downloaded sources. If not defined, then if the environment variable CMAKE_CACHE is defined, this variable is initialized to its value. Otherwise, defaults to <scriptDir>/temp.

  • QUIET: If set to ON, suppresses most progress messages. Defaults to OFF.