
include (OrangesGenerateStandardHeaders)

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oranges_generate_standard_headers (<targetName>
                                  [BASE_NAME <baseName>]
                                  [HEADER <mainHeaderName>] | [NO_AGGREGATE_HEADER]
                                  [FEATURE_TEST_LANGUAGE <lang>]
                                  [EXPORT_HEADER <exportHeaderName>]
                                  [PLATFORM_HEADER <platformHeaderName>]
                                  [INSTALL_COMPONENT <componentName>] [REL_PATH <installRelPath>]
                                  [SCOPE <PUBLIC|PRIVATE|INTERFACE>]
                                  [SOURCE_GROUP_NAME <groupName>])

This command calls oranges_generate_export_header() and oranges_generate_platform_header(), then generates another header named <mainHeaderName> that includes the other generated headers.



Prefix used for all macros defined in generated header files, and the build type macros. Defaults to <targetName>.


Name of the aggregate header file that will include all the other generated headers. Defaults to <baseName>_generated.h.

Mutually exclusive with: NO_AGGREGATE_HEADER


If specified, no “aggregate” header including the other generated headers will be created.

Mutually exclusive with: HEADER


The language passed to oranges_generate_platform_header() to do any compiler-specific platform introspection. Defaults to the value of the PLAT_DEFAULT_TESTING_LANGUAGE variable.


Name of the export header to be generated. Defaults to <baseName>_export.h.


Name of the platform header to be generated. Defaults to <baseName>_platform.h.


If specified, build type macros will not be added to the target. The default behavior is to call oranges_add_build_type_macros() to add compile definitions describing the build type to the target.


The name of an install component for all generated files to be added to. This command will not create the install component.


Path below CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR where the generated header will be installed to. Defaults to <targetName>.


The scope with which the build type macros and generated files will be added to the target. Defaults to INTERFACE for interface library targets, PRIVATE for executables, and PUBLIC for all other target types.


If specified, then the generated files will be grouped into a source folder using the source_group() command. The group will be named <groupName>. If this argument is not specified, the generated files will not be grouped.

See also

Module OrangesGeneratePlatformHeader

This module provides platform- and compiler-specific macro definitions

Module OrangesGenerateExportHeader

This module provides symbol visibility control utilities