
include (OrangesClangTidy)

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oranges_create_clang_tidy_target ([CONFIG_FILE <file>] | [NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG]
                                  [EXTRA_ARGS <args...>]

Creates a custom target named clang-tidy that executes clang-tidy over the entire source tree.

If the CLANGTIDY_OFF variable is set to ON, this function does nothing.

If the current CMake run will generate a CompileCommands.json file (supported by the Makefile and Ninja generators, and enabled with the CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS option), then this file will be used for clang-tidy to process the source tree. Otherwise, source files will be globbed under CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR, unless the COMPILE_COMMANDS_ONLY option is provided.

Note that all arguments are optional. Options:


May be specified to provide a custom .clang-tidy file to be used for running clang-tidy. If a relative path is given, it will be evaluated relative to the value of CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR when this function is called. If this argument is not specified, the value of the CLANGTIDY_CONFIG_FILE variable will be used, unless the NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG option is given. Providing this argument is equivalent to passing EXTRA_ARGS --config-file=<file>.


If this option is given, then the value of the CLANGTIDY_CONFIG_FILE variable will not be used as the .clang-tidy file; instead, clang-tidy’s default behavior of searching for a .clang-tidy in a parent directory of the current source file will be used.


Extra arguments that will be passed verbatim to the clang-tidy executable. If not specified, the value of the CLANGTIDY_EXTRA_ARGS variable will be used.


If this option is given, then the clang-tidy target will only be created if the current CMake run will produce a CompileCommands.json, and otherwise this function will do nothing and raise no warnings or errors (a VERBOSE message will be output).